Using people-first processes to drive technology adoption with IKEA's Nadja Soto Huurre
Episode Details

Technology adoption is all about change management and how companies incorporate employees through the integration process. Nadja Soto Huurre shares how she harnessed technology and led the integration of IKEA's new scheduling tool – the Shifts app in Microsoft Teams – helping connect and empower IKEA's workforce. Nadja’s drive to find ways to be more efficient and see more productivity, along with supportive leadership, was crucial to a smooth transition to the new software. This change helped IKEA's frontline workers feel valued while showing leadership in how the app would create efficiency and cost savings. 

Link to full episode transcript.

Produced by Larj Media.

Episode cover art for Using people-first processes to drive technology adoption with IKEA's Nadja Soto Huurre